Session 11

The party has just reunited in Berdusk. The reunion was one of mixed feelings.



As with last session, tonight’s game takes place in the pause between the larger events of this campaign. You’ve reunited the party and faced the conflicted feelings that came with that.


You’ve agreed to meet Leosin in Elturel to pass on the knowledge you’ve gleaned from the cultists’ caves. His fellow Harpers may have passed word to him that you are on your way and what you have learned.

Tal Pan has agreed to investigate and has two more locations to explore. You all may choose to continue with that mystery.

And ongoing – through all the events that have occurred, you have gained skill, experience and goals that mean you’d like some new equipment. You feel it’s reasonable to spend a few days here, knowing that Leosin knows where to reach you. (Out of game, you could spend around 5 days without having to rush, 10 days but you’d have to rush to Elturel).


Last week made me remember something else. Although nobody called for a pause or rewind, and conflict and feelings was managed through conversation. I realised later that I could have used the principle of enthusiastic consent to check in during the scene. I may send you a whisper or an in chat question mark or quick “you okay?” and of course you can do that for each other. If you receive a question like that, please feel free to say if you need a pause, or something. Or respond with a great, or a thumbs up or a flame emoji. Likewise – please feel free to use the chat much as you have been to cheer each other on.

Subject Matter

I’ve checked the timeline and we actually only have one day to cover before the reunion, so we will start with a flashback to the mystery.

Then there can be shopping, eating, downtime, and the possibility of more mystery.

Bluegrass – Earned the Crossbow Expert feat

  • Has a new brass bowl, may go searching for incense
  • Is Ulysses currently summoned?
  • Bluegrass may go looking for incense at some point
  • Ulysses may wake him up, and do the whole “What’s that, girl? Timmy’s stuck down a well?” thing, luring him to the temple.
  • Honeysuckle will be there. And tell him about your friend, Tal Pan. He’s in Berdusk. He may be in trouble. He is needed and should not be alone.
  • Crossbow Slingshot – receive a note from a urchin – in thieves’ cant, telling him the location of the merchant. (Hand Crossbow for feat (proficient) and Light Crossbow for damage and range (proficient because simple)

Blythe – Earned the Actor Feat, more charismatic, can imitate, musical shop, components pouch, ammo

Bunny – needs to level up, sandwich emporium in Berdusk. Feat –

Orion – Observant – after a rest, appearance changes –

Tal Pan – Warcaster – going to attempt demon binding again, going to have a mystery (books?), wants a breastplate (will grant 19 with shield), components


Explain, share pdf as resource. There will be some ability check rolls. Have a think about what you’d like to do.

Session Notes

As you explore the town you see wanted posters for The Scroll Thief with a grey silhouette like you’d see in a child’s game.

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