
Questions about spellcasters in D&D come up again and again around the table. This article should clear up some of the most common questions about magic. Look out for more in-depth articles about specific classes and other spellcasting queries in future.

When you think about magic in D&D you probably picture a Warlock, Wizard or Sorcerer. There are many classes that can wield magic, and the wizard might not be the best one for you. Read on to discover how the different spellcasting classes differ, and how some other classes might wield a touch of magic as well as their other skills.

All Spells, All the Time

Sorcerers, Warlocks and Wizards are the best known magicians of D&D, but which is which? Sorcerers are innate magic wielders and their power is a natural ability. Warlocks have magic bestowed upon them by an otherworldly patron. Wizards are students of magic and have studied for many years, learning spells and practising their use.

Bards, Clerics, and Druids are also dedicated magic users. Bards speak, sing, or otherwise perform to weave magic in the world. Their path combines natural ability and study (and practice!). A Cleric receives their powers from a deity, and commits to one Domain which dictates their spell specialisation. Druids wield the power of nature itself, either directly, or via a nature deity.

Magical Part-Timers

Paladins and rangers 

Spellwork Dabblers

Arcane Trickster Rogue and the Eldritch Knight Fighter.

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